Φωτογράφιση γάμου Αθήνα // Ένας γάμος στο Μουσείο Οίνου

Γάμος στο Μουσείο Οίνου

Φωτογράφιση γάμου Αθήνα

” Ήμουν έτοιμη να πέσω στα κύματα, όταν πέρασε ξαφνικά ένα θαλασσοπούλι και μου ψιθύρισε:

“Έι ψιτ… εσένα μιλάω.
Μου παράγγειλε η ζωή να σου δώσω ένα φιλί.”

Μια ιστορία γεμάτη εικόνες

H μαγεία της φωτογραφίας βρίσκεται στον τρόπο που ο καθένας μας βλέπει και αντιλαμβάνεται τον κόσμο, έναν κόσμο που ουσιαστικά κρύβεται μέσα μας και σταδιακά ξεδιπλώνεται, αντανακλάται στον χώρο και στον χρόνο. Δεν είναι τίποτε άλλο από συναισθήματα. Στην πραγματικότητα φωτογραφίζεις τον ίδιο σου τον εαυτό, τον τρόπο που αντιλαμβάνεσαι τον κόσμο, την ομορφιά, την αγάπη.
Αυτό κάνει τη φωτογραφία γάμου μια τόσο μαγική τελετουργία. Μια πρόκληση και ένα καθήκον να αφηγηθείς, άλλη μια ιστορία μέσα από τα δικά του μάτια, για να αφυπνίσεις κρυμμένα, φωτεινά, αδρανή συναισθήματα.

Κάποιες φορές η φωτογραφία είναι μια πραγματικότητα τόσο λεπτή που γίνεται πιο πραγματική από την πραγματικότητα

Άλφρεντ Στίγκλιτζ

Μια πραγματικότητα, που με την πάροδο του χρόνου, και όσο απομακρύνεσαι από το γεγονός, αποκτάει μια άξια ανεκτίμητη.

Πάντα μας εντυπωσιάζει το πόσο κοντά βρίσκεσαι με τους ανθρώπους που φωτογραφίζεις, πόσο άμεση είναι η ομορφιά που μοιράζεσαι, πόσα συναισθήματα ξεδιπλώνονται μπροστά σου. Μια πρόκληση, κάθε φορά, να γυρίσεις πίσω με εικόνες που θα έχουν έντονο χαρακτήρα.

Μερικές φορές το σύμπαν συνωμοτεί, και έτσι ξαφνικά, σε μια ματιά, σε μια στιγμή, όλη η ζωή γίνεται χρώμα, γίνεται αγάπη, γίνεται φως. Και πια δεν μπορείς να φανταστείς, ούτε μια στιγμή  χωρίς τον άλλον.

Και εμείς είμαστε κοντά τους για να πούμε άλλη μια αληθινή ιστορία αγάπης. Για να φωτογραφίσουμε την κάθε στιγμή, με την αξία της στο παρόν, και τη σημασία της στο μέλλον, επιδιώκοντας να κάνουμε πάντα κάτι ξεχωριστό, όπως ξεχωριστό είναι πάντα το κάθε ζευγάρι μας.

Και να ξέρετε δεν μας τρόμαξαν οι καταιγίδες, ούτε οι απειλές του Παπά να φύγει επειδή η νύφη άργησε. Λίγο μόνο, η ιλιγγιώδης ταχύτητα του ετοιμοπόλεμου πατέρα της νύφης, που μας προσπέρασε στο δρόμο και μπροστά στα έκπληκτα ματιά όλων, έφθασε στο Μουσείο Οίνου πριν από εμάς :-)

Ο Στέλιος και η Λαμπρινή επέβαλαν το χαμόγελο τους στα ευτράπελα της ημέρας. Και μοιραστήκαν με φίλους και αγαπημένους, όλη αυτή την υπέροχη διάθεση, που κατέληξε σε ένα επικό πάρτι μέχρι τελικής πτώσης.
Μας παρέσυραν να το ζήσουμε όλο.

Featurette Wedding Video

Wedding Film


Αναζητατε φωτογράφο γαμου;
ΜΙληστε μαζι μασ

Images from the heart

For those meant to be...

Η επιλογή σας για τη φωτογραφία γάμου πρέπει να σας εξασφαλίζει συνέπεια, επαγγελματισμό και φροντίδα για να αποτυπωθεί ο γάμος σας άρτια.

Ταξιδεύουμε παντού, για γάμους σε ξεχωριστούς προορισμούς, με ζευγάρια που τους ενδιαφέρει να διαφυλάξουν τις αναμνήσεις του γάμου τους σε εικόνες με χαρακτήρα και αισθητική. Εικόνες που αφηγούνται την ξεχωριστή ημέρα του γάμου τους, αλλά και τόσο πολλά περισσότερα!

Δείτε φωτογραφίες μας στο  www.rchive.gr και επικοινωνείστε μαζί μας για το γάμο σας στο info@rchive.gr.

More from our portfolio

χρειαζεστε φωτογραφια γαμου;
Μιληστε μαζι μασ


Χώρος εκδήλωσης: Μουσείο Οίνου

Νυφικό: Madame Shoushou
Παπούτσια: Aquazzura

Ήχος & Φωτισμός: Sounds Good
Wedding Planner: Μαρία Χατζοπούλου

Φωτογράφιση γάμου Αθήνα: arChive Visual Storytellers

Wedding Film Spetses // #Pepefaiou

Wedding Photography Spetses

arChive Visual Storytellers in Spetses



#1 Look Here


Wedding Film Spetses // Director’s Cut



#2 Read Here


Wedding Film Spetses //  This story is about love. It’s about friendship, it’s about sharing, it’s about keeping (the inevitable) secrets. This is a story about life. A life which grows higher than the mind will hope for, or mind can hide, and this is the wonder that makes the world go round.

Bottom Line: Everyone loves a conspiracy.   

The essence of the conspiracy, but mainly the conspirators themselves, who possess the heart to intrigue the real and the imagined. And against all odds face the fatal consequences. We are not to be held responsible (Pepe) :-) for this result but only as consistent professional story spinners, stood present, to efficiently document and unfold the nature of the conspiracy, to its core. 

So yes, this is common knowledge … this story is the real ? the imagined ?

Or perhaps in the heart of the believers?


#3 History in the making

The Scenery // Spetses


An amazing island. A destination that will stay in your heart and make you smile every time you think of it. An island that will seduce you and make your life easier as your wedding destination.

Blessed by its beauty. Too pretty, too accessible and too popular. An elegant choice for #pepefaiou and a perfect match.

One could tell that It was going to be Spetses.
This is an island where your senses immediately come alive: the air, refreshingly warm, carries the smell of the sea one moment, then freshly baked pastries the next. Locals drink their espressos and frappés as they play backgammon in the shade and eye the latest arrivals climbing out of the red-and-white water taxis.

Around the corner from the port, the winding, cobbled coastal road opens into a wide, expansive piazza that acts as a forecourt for the Poseidonion, a grand, august hotel styled like a château and modelled on the Carlton in Cannes and the Negresco in Nice.
There is something timeless about the square, and indeed the island itself. It is as close to the idyllic Hellenic picture as you can imagine: fishermen lay out their catch by the seafront as the locals stroll along the promenade, past impressive villas, domed churches and traditional tavernas with tables lining the road. Cars being banned from the town,   horse-drawn carriages rattle through the backstreets
The Venetians named the island Spezia, meaning spice , but it could just as well have been after the powerful scents of jasmine and pine , bougainvillea and hibiscus. But then we could go on forever, about this and about #pepefaiou and anything about this wedding.


The wedding in Spetses


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The amazing venue of Poseidonion Grand Hotel was going to host the preparation of Faye. Hospitality, and belle epoque style luxury, only fitting to our special bride to be. The groom and his friends at a private villa – enjoying the swimming pool until the very last minute. A beautiful coach carried our bride to Agios Nikolaos a church overlooking the old harbour. 

The reception  was to take place at the well known “Kaiki”. The beautiful decoration of Fevronia and organized by Mae Mavroudi of Greek Weddings made the world of a difference.

This was a wedding to remember. And these are two people we will always keep deep in our hearts.

And who would know?

If a man asks a girl for a date…
That’s his business.
If the girl accepts…
That’s her business.
If the man and the girl decide to marry…
That’s their business.
However, if they want great wedding photographs…



Pepe? Stay tuned – more soon!


spetses photographer


Images from the Heart

for those meant to be…

If you like what you see, visit our portfolio and contact us to book your wedding photography and/or cinematography.

We are available Worldwide



Wedding Photographer Spetses // #Pepefaiou

Wedding Photographer Spetses

arChive Visual Storytellers in Spetses



#1 Look Here



#2 Read Here


Hash tag #pepefaiou and who could know ..

When she grows up she wants to be a ballerina spinning.
Who could know but Elon Musk.
In Rotterdam.
Where things went out of hand.
But who could know?

And as there are no ways of knowing for sure,
there are these special ways of knowing
for pretty sure.

Over a game of playstation.
Over a well cooked meal.

In just a split of a second
or a split of it,
between everyday lines

That it is, in the knowing that we grow
and love will expand to contain us.

But who would know?
Over a glass of wine,
over this one,
particularly this one twitch of the lip.

Because theres always someone who knows something.

About fairy tales.
Abstract and unique,
reflective by nature.

Fairy tales, that project on us as we project on them.
Like words that we make up
to giggle,
to share,
to intimacy,
to special meanings,
to odd translations.

To friendship.
But who would know,
but old best friends
and new ones.

To care and share.
To shed a tear for the lost of childhood,
and the untangleable bonds,
that will remain forever and ever.

But who could know that some things are meant to be, as we met again and again, on friends weddings and we were chosen instinctively. As we chose them. It was inevitable for here was a story that had to be told.



#3 History in the making


The Scenery // Spetses


An amazing island. A destination that will stay in your heart and make you smile every time you think of it. An island that will seduce you and make your life easier as your wedding destination.

Blessed by its beauty. Too pretty, too accessible and too popular. An elegant choice for #pepefaiou and a perfect match.

One could tell that It was going to be Spetses.
This is an island where your senses immediately come alive: the air, refreshingly warm, carries the smell of the sea one moment, then freshly baked pastries the next. Locals drink their espressos and frappés as they play backgammon in the shade and eye the latest arrivals climbing out of the red-and-white water taxis.

Around the corner from the port, the winding, cobbled coastal road opens into a wide, expansive piazza that acts as a forecourt for the Poseidonion, a grand, august hotel styled like a château and modelled on the Carlton in Cannes and the Negresco in Nice.
There is something timeless about the square, and indeed the island itself. It is as close to the idyllic Hellenic picture as you can imagine: fishermen lay out their catch by the seafront as the locals stroll along the promenade, past impressive villas, domed churches and traditional tavernas with tables lining the road. Cars being banned from the town,   horse-drawn carriages rattle through the backstreets
The Venetians named the island Spezia, meaning spice , but it could just as well have been after the powerful scents of jasmine and pine , bougainvillea and hibiscus. But then we could go on forever, about this and about #pepefaiou and anything about this wedding.


The wedding in Spetses

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The amazing venue of Poseidonion Grand Hotel was going to host the preparation of Faye. Hospitality, and belle epoque style luxury, only fitting to our special bride to be. The groom and his friends at a private villa – enjoying the swimming pool until the very last minute. A beautiful coach carried our bride to Agios Nikolaos a church overlooking the old harbour. 

The reception  was to take place at the well known “Kaiki”. The beautiful decoration of Fevronia and organized by Mae Mavroudi of Greek Weddings made the world of a difference.

This was a wedding to remember. And these are two people we will always keep deep in our hearts.

And who would know?

If a man asks a girl for a date…
That’s his business.
If the girl accepts…
That’s her business.
If the man and the girl decide to marry…
That’s their business.
However, if they want great wedding photographs…



Pepe? Stay tuned – more soon!


spetses photographer


Images from the Heart

for those meant to be…

If you like what you see, visit our portfolio and contact us to book your wedding photography and/or cinematography.

We are available Worldwide