Φωτογράφιση γάμου Σύρος, | Ευαγγελία και Ισίδωρος

Φωτογράφιση γάμου στη Σύρο από τους arChive.

Η Σύρος έχει τη δική της κρυφή μαγεία που αναπόφευκτα σε οδηγεί να ξεπεράσεις τα όρια της δημιουργικότητας σου και να παρασυρθείς σε ένα συνονθύλευμα, ρυθμών, πολιτισμών και κουλτούρας.
Ήταν εκεί που οι ελληνικές παραδόσεις και οι ευρωπαϊκές επιρροές συνδυάστηκαν σε έναν αρμονικό, υπέροχο γάμο.

Η Ερμούπολη, πρωτεύουσα των Κυκλάδων, πόλη του Ερμή, ζωντανή απόδειξη ενός ένδοξου παρελθόντος, ακόμα χαρακτηρίζεται απ’ ότι κάθε Ελληνικό νησί θα έπρεπε να έχει. Το πιο έντονο χαρακτηριστικό του νησιού και της πόλης είναι οι ενετικές επιρροές του. Μοναδική για τις κυκλάδες είναι και η μεσαιωνική συνοικία της καθολικής κοινότητας και οι καθεδρικοί ναοί που μοιάζουν με φρούρια στην Άνω Σύρο, ένα τμήμα της πόλης που κρέμεται από την κορυφή του λόφου.
Χαμένοι στα στενά καλντερίμια, τις αψίδες και τα ανοιχτά σημεία με την απίστευτη θέα του νησιού, όλα συνομωτούν για να κάνουν τη Σύρο ένα αξέχαστο νησί.

Περάσαμε ώρες περιπλάνησης για να ανακαλύψουμε τις μυστικές γωνιές της και την αγαπήσαμε!

H ορθόδοξη και η καθολική κοινότητα είναι μέρος της ζωής στο νησί. Γι αυτό και η διπλή τελετή για τον γάμο του υπέροχου ζευγαριού ήταν φυσικό επακόλουθο.
Η Ευαγγελία, ο Ισίδωρος και οι οικογένειες τους επέλεξαν τη γενέτειρα του γαμπρού για να ενώσουν τις ζωές τους. Μια ατμόσφαιρα γεμάτη γαλήνη, κατάνυξη και ιδιαίτερη συγκίνηση έκανε τις δυο τελετές ιδιαίτερες και αξιομνημόνευτες.

Μοιραστήκαμε μαζί τους τη χαρά, την αγωνία και την ευτυχία των ημερών. Και μετά ήρθε ο χορός. Τι άλλο να πεις;

Αφιερώνουμε το παρακάτω στην Ευαγγελία για λόγους που μόνο εκείνη θα καταλάβει:

“Το Tango είναι η απόλυτη επικοινωνία μεταξύ δυο ανθρώπων. Ξεκινά με ένα άγγιγμα, μια αγκαλιά και το μοίρασμα τρυφερότητας αλλά βασίζεται στην ατομική ισορροπία. Η κατάκτηση της είναι αυτό που επιτρέπει στα δυο σώματα να χορέψουν σαν ένα, με μια τεχνική που είναι καθαρή και ισορροπημένη, με φόρμα αγνή, με κλασσική γραμμή και ανυπέρβλητη λεπτότητα.”

Miguel Angel Pla

Και πάντα μα πάντα, χρειάζονται δυο για να χορέψουν tango.

Σας ευχόμαστε από καρδιάς να μοιραστείτε μια υπέροχη ζωή και σας ευχαριστούμε για την εμπιστοσύνη, τη φιλία και τη φιλοξενία σας.

Έχοντας τελειώσει αυτό το ταξίδι νιώθαμε πιο ευτυχισμένοι και πιο ολοκληρωμένοι. Με ένα μυαλό γεμάτο ομορφιά και συναισθήματα που θα μείνουν μαζί μας για πάντα!

Προετοιμασία νύφης: Ξενοδοχείο Dolphin Bay
Η καθολική τελετή έγινε στην Παναγιά της Φανερωμένης
Η ορθόδοξη τελετή στην εκκλησία της Αγίας Παρασκευής
και η δεξίωση γάμου έγινε στο Dolphin Bay στην παραλία του Γαλησσά

Το νυφικό ήταν μια δημιουργία της Jenny Packham

Guest star: Κατερίνα Πολέμη

Δείτε περισσότερες εικόνες μας στο site www.rchive.gr και αν σας αρέσει αυτό που είδατε στείλτε μας email στο info@rchive.gr. Θα σας ακολουθήσουμε σε όλο τον κόσμο για να φωτογραφίσουμε το γάμο σας!

Είμαστε οι arChive Visual Storytellers και είμαστε εδώ για να αλλάξουμε μαζί, τον τρόπο που αντιλαμβάνεστε την φωτογραφία γάμου!

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Wedding Photographers – Syros, for Evangelia & Isidoros

Wedding photographers and Syros are just a perfect match!

This time it’s Syros for arChive. The island where Greek tradition and western influence come to a harmonious marriage. And as this is Greece, beautiful beaches will forever delight the sea and sand lovers.
Ermoupoli, “the city of Hermes”, evidence of a  glorious past still holds everything a Greek island should have.
The most striking feature of the island is the Venetian influence. Unique for the Cyclades is the medieval quarter of the Roman Catholic community and the fortress-like cathedrals. Ano Syros, a beautiful village hanging at the top of the hills with picturesque narrow streets, traditional whitewashed houses, archways and open spaces with a breathtaking view of the island, it is indeed a place to remember.

We spent hours scouting around the village and fell in love with it.

Orthodox and Catholic communities give breath to the island. Hence the double ceremony that took place in Syros for our lovely couple. Evangela & Isidoros,  chose the grooms hometown to take their vows. In an atmosphere of peace, reverence and respect both ceremonies Catholic and Orthodox were carried out with utmost sentimentality. We laughed and we cried sharing the couple’s joys and hopes. And then there was dance, there was singing and there was happiness to last a lifetime.

We dedicate this quote to Evangelia, for reasons she alone will understand.

“Tango is the ultimate communication between two people. It begins with an embrace, an initial sharing of affection, yet stresses individual balance. The mastering of one’s individual balance is what allows two bodies to dance as one, along with a technique that is clean and uncluttered, a form that is pure, a line that is classical and an elegance that is sublime.”

Miguel Angel Pla.

And it always bur always, takes two to tango. the perfect two. Have a good life.

Having completed this journey, we were left richer and happier. Full of inspired images and beautiful feelings that will remain precious to us forever and ever!

Bride’s preparation: Dolphin Bay in Galissas beach
Wedding Gown: Jenny Packham
Reception: Dolphin Bay in Galissas beach
Catholic wedding ceremony: Panagia of Faneromenis
Orthodox wedding ceremony: Agia Paraskevi church

Guest star: Katerina Polemi

See more of our photography in www.rchive.gr and if you like what you see, get in touch info@rchive.gr. We’ll come for you on every corner of this earth! We are arChive Visual Storytellers and we are here to share, care preserve and change the way you perceive wedding photography.

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Best Destination Photography - Syros -Wedding Photography Greece
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Sifnos Wedding Photographers – arChive Visual Storytellers

Sometimes the best things in life are worth waiting for

We know that well, as Sifnos Wedding Photographers.

In Sifnos, this very day, when everything was conspiring to make it a very happy one, by arChive Photography under another spell of inspiration.

Groom waiting for Bride at the stairs of Chryssopigi Church, Sifnos Island. Our beautiful bride is on her way to the church by a small fishing boat, a usual practice when the weather permits. We have “stolen” beauty from this small trip for plenty of our imagery. For us, it is always a challenge to get into the heart of the sentiments caused during this final countdown. Sometimes the best things in life are worth waiting for…

See the wedding here

Sifnos Wedding Photographer – arChive Visual Storytellers

Sifnos Wedding Photographer

That was the title that dominated our summer: Sifnos wedding photographer. With three weddings in this beautiful island, we had to overcome every obstacle and create inspirational photographs out of literally everything, to present our couples with unique, personalised imagery.

Putting the flow of the day into pictures is just not good enough for us. We have to surprise our couples. Each and every time.

So for Fanis and Ioanna, this was an “after” the after session photoshoot. More relaxed, more fun with surroundings and mood contributing to an amazing result that narrated the end of a very long journey for them, starting in Kythira a year earlier.

Thank you Fanis & Ioanna for sharing so many happy moments with us and may they last forever. We wish you happiness and fulfilment which we are sure you will find in your path.

See this wedding here

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Sifnos Wedding Photography – FanJo_Reloaded by arChive Visual Storytellers

Sifnos Wedding Photography |  FanJo_Reloaded by arChive Visual Storytellers.

This was a perfect start for a series of Sifnos Weddings for this summer. Never the same as any previous one, the island and our couples tempted us once more. To be different, personal and to come up with imagery that highlights their dreams, their very personal moments and the story of their lives.

It was in Sifnos that Fanis and Ioanna chose to reload. No place could be a more perfect match than this beautiful destination, with its whitewashed houses standing like pearls along the crest of the island. Unspoiled footpaths link villages under the warm changing light, so characteristic in the Cyclades, kissing the landscape and exploring the slopes of the mountains, to meet with olive trees, bays with aqua waters, offering that breathtaking experience that will mesmerise you.

Fanis and Ioanna, their beautiful families and their very special friends, took every extra step to make their wedding day extravagantly beautiful. We have laughed and we have cried. We have enjoyed and we have lived. Their dream became ours to share and preserve. Every moment was irresistibly inspiring. Being their photographers on their three-day wedding was nothing like common. We wish for them the best from our hearts and we thank them for their trust and friendship.

Thank you Fanis & Ioanna for sharing so many happy moments with us and may they last forever.

See this wedding here

Best Destination Photography - From our Sifnos wedding FanJo_reloaded
Best Destination Photography - From our Sifnos wedding FanJo_reloaded
Best Destination Photography - From our Sifnos wedding FanJo_reloaded


Sifnos Wedding Photography – FanJo_Reloaded by arChive Visual Storytellers

Sifnos Wedding Photography – FanJo_Reloaded

This was a perfect start for a series of Sifnos Weddings for this summer. Never the same as any previous one, the island and our couples tempted us once more. To be different, personal and to come up with imagery that highlights their dreams, their very personal moments and the story of their lives.

It was in Sifnos that Fanis and Ioanna chose to reload. No place could be a more perfect match than this beautiful destination, with its whitewashed houses standing like pearls along the crest of the island. Unspoiled footpaths link villages under the warm changing light, so characteristic in the Cyclades, kissing the landscape and exploring the slopes of the mountains, to meet with olive trees, bays with aqua waters, offering that breathtaking experience that will mesmerise you.

Fanis and Ioanna, their beautiful families and their very special friends, took every extra step to make their wedding day extravagantly beautiful. We have laughed and we have cried. We have enjoyed and we have lived. Their dream became ours to share and preserve. Every moment was irresistably inspiring. Being their photographers on their three-day wedding was nothing like common. We wish for them the best from our hearts and we thank them for their trust and friendship.

Thank you Fanis & Ioanna for sharing so many happy moments with us and may they last forever.

See this wedding here

Best Destination Photography - From our Sifnos wedding FanJo_reloaded

Best Destination Photography - From our Sifnos wedding FanJo_reloadedBest Destination Photography - From our Sifnos wedding FanJo_reloadedBest Destination Photography - From our Sifnos wedding FanJo_reloadedBest Destination Photography - From our Sifnos wedding FanJo_reloadedBest Destination Photography - From our Sifnos wedding FanJo_reloadedBest Destination Photography - From our Sifnos wedding FanJo_reloadedBest Destination Photography - From our Sifnos wedding FanJo_reloaded

From Norway to Kardamyli with Love – Kardamyli Wedding

Kardamyli Wedding Photography by arChive

Another post from Kardamyli wedding with Tom & Line

Kardamyli is a good base for exploring the Mani. Although the Inner or Lakonian Mani looks a long way away (and by car, it’s about an hour’s drive) the journey is scenically stunning, the driving not too fraught and Kardamili has that lush greenness which the deep Mani lacks and is such a joy to return ‘home’ to after a long day in the heat. As for the Messenian Mani – all locations are in easy reach of the traveller with a vehicle. Kardamili is also a good base for walking and enjoying photography for those who are willing to wander around this picturesque village. We always scout for hidden spots that reward our couples with beautiful and unique photographs.

To see this wedding post click  here: Wedding in Kardamyli 

We are arChive Visual Storytellers, and we are here to change the way you perceive wedding photography.

See more of our weddings at our site

Kardamyli wedding
Kardamyli wedding
Kardamyli wedding

From Norway to Kardamyli with Love – Kardamyli Wedding

Kardamyli Wedding Photography by arChive

Another post from our Kardamyli wedding with Tom & Line!

Kardamili is a good base for exploring the Mani. Although the Inner or Lakonian Mani looks a long way away (and by car, it’s about an hour’s drive) the journey is scenically stunning, the driving not too fraught and Kardamili has that lush greenness which the deep Mani lacks and is such a joy to return ‘home’ to after a long day in the heat. As for the Messenian Mani – all locations are in easy reach of the traveller with a vehicle. Kardamili is also a good base for walking and enjoying photography for those who are willing to wander around this picturesque village. We always scout for hidden spots that reward our couples with beautiful and unique photographs.

To see the whole wedding post click  here: Wedding in Kardamyli 

We are arChive Visual Storytellers, and we are here to change the way you perceive wedding photography.

See more of our weddings at our site

  kardamyli wedding photographykardamyli wedding photographykardamyli wedding photographer