Photographer Ktima 48 // Myrto & Niels

Myrto & Niels: Their wedding in Ktima 48

Wedding Photographer Ktima 48

Wedding in Ktima 48

It had to be Amsterdam.

It was obvious from the first “Dark and Stormy” sip at Bukowski (compliments to Pepe). We have to admit that we have a soft spot for the Dutch, or mixed couples that plan their weddings in Greece. Apparently, Niels found out about that, and came to live just a block away from our Studio. As you can well understand, being their storytellers was inevitable. That, and our mutual love for Milos.

Niels is the most Greek Dutch we have ever met, with so much potential, to be even Greeker.

Myrto, tops in our list of #bestsmilingeyes of the year, certainly fell for that. They both share a raw unedited honesty that makes the simplest things seem ridiculously important.

Their exclamations of enthusiasm and joy, the impulsive expressions of love has been an endless inspiration for our photography. And it was in the air, throughout the days we spent together in Athens and Milos, they never tired or hesitated to express this genuine heart for life. For us, this is the most important ingredient for relationships that last a lifetime or even better “panta mazi”.

Looking for a wedding photographer FOR KTIMA 48?
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Day after wedding photography session in Milos

Milos Wedding Photographer

Let’s not forget to talk about the time we spend together in Milos. We visited Sarakiniko for a wedding photography session and went around the island on locations we chose especially for them. A small sample follows, but keep in mind this is only a sneak peek. More soon!

Wedding photography does not have to look like wedding photography. It is all about relationships.
What makes the world of a difference, is the connection between people and the means by which you can spot, understand, experience and interpret these relationships. We summon creativity, courage, and the vision to bend, or very often break the rules. And there are no second chances. It takes hard preparation, precision organisation, and endless creativity. It takes all of these, but more, to even have a chance of delivering stunning results.
It is not about the lense or the camera, but the photographer behind it. You need to be brave and confident to cross boundaries to explore your world in others. But even more than that, we believe that what makes a photograph truly important is the experience it can deliver.

Photographer Ktima 48

Wedding Photography

We received this little yellow note a few days after the wedding:

“Angela & George,
The effort you put during the wedding, the commitment you showed, the excitement (followed by loud sounds of wooow) you carried & the positive attitude you had stood out to us along with the extra mile you went, that we CANNOT wait for the review!

Note: Niels visited our studio twice to confirm the enthusiasm he originally felt about our albums, therefore this story must now go to pause mode, as we have much to do to live up to our reputation :-)

We CANNOT wait to show them what really happened to them.

Images from the heart

For those meant to be...

 See more of our destination wedding photography in Ktima 48 here and here. You can also see a wedding in Milos here and get in touch for your event at We are available Worldwide.

More from our portfolio

Need a quotation for your wedding photography?
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Venue: Ktima 48

Wedding photographer Ktima 48: arChive Visual Storytellers

Album Presentations – Nota & Dimitris | Wedding Photography Ktima 48

Nota & Dimitris

Wedding Photography Ktima 48

Wedding Slideshow Presentation



This could have easily been any other post of a wedding in Ktima 48, but no. Ordinary things could not be possible with this one couple.

Extraordinary magic is woven through a phenomenically ordinary life. You only had to look around. 


Because in this house they are real
they make mistakes
they say they are sorry
they give second chances
they have fun
they give hugs
they forgive
they do really loud
they are patient
they love


Consequently one can understand why this one wedding will never ever be forgotten. And you can also understand why we are so eager to organize the Day after photo session… We keep secret enterprises and send them sneak peek teasers, our rush of stars and wishes… and so much more! 

Here we shall stop revealing, as this is only a sneak peek post. Stay tuned. The whole story coming up soon.


Christening Slideshow Presentation



_About our photography_

We always care for our couples to experience our photography services as special and unprecedented. For every little smile, every tear, the joy, the emotions from loved ones and friends. We work with the professionalism that will guarantee the spontaneity, the beauty and the artistry in the images we will deliver to our couples. But most of all we like to be the safe keepers of their joy to help them remember. Forever.

Images from the heart for those meant to be!

Venue: ktima 48
Wedding Planner – Decoration: Live Love The Event Maker

Wedding Photography Ktima 48: arChive Visual Storytellers


See more of our destination wedding photography at and get in touch for your event at We are available Worldwide.


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Nota & Dimitris by rChive | Wedding Photographer Ktima 48

Nota & Dimitris


Wedding Photographer Ktima 48


This could have easily been any other post of a wedding in Ktima 48, but no. Ordinary things could not be possible with this one couple.

Extraordinary magic is woven through a phenomenically ordinary life. You only had to look around. 


Because in this house they are real

they make mistakes

they say they are sorry

they give second chances

they have fun

they give hugs

they forgive

they do really loud

they are patient

they love


Consequently one can understand why this one wedding will never ever be forgotten. And you can also understand why we are so eager to organize the Day after photo session… We keep secret enterprises and send them sneak peek teasers, our rush of stars and wishes… and so much more! 

Here we shall stop revealing, as this is only a sneak peek post. Stay tuned. The whole story coming up soon.



Images from the heart for those who were meant to be!
Angela & George
rChive (Your) Visual Storytellers


Venue: ktima 48

Wedding Planner – Decoration: Live Love The Event Maker

Catering: Dipnosofistirion



See more of our destination wedding photography at and get in touch for your event at We are available Worldwide.


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Lida & Kyriakos – Ktima 48 – Wedding Photography Athens

Lida & Kyriakos Wedding, Ktima 48 | Wedding Photography Athens

“Διάβασα τα μάτια σας
αφού είχα διαβάσει την ψυχή σας
και η ευτυχία μου είναι,
πως αυτά τα δυο,
τα φωτίζει ο ίδιος ήλιος.” …

Ξανά και ξανά
Ευχαριστούμε για όλα.

Μια όμορφη ιστορία που μιλάει για την αγάπη. Περισσότερα σύντομα!!

Σας ευχαριστούμε που μας επιλέξατε να φωτογραφίσουμε το γάμο σας και να μοιραστούμε μαζί σας υπέροχες στιγμές. Στους δύο ανθρώπους που δεν θέλουν να μεγαλώσουν ποτέ και που για εκείνους η ζωή θα είναι πάντα ένα ταξίδι στο “μαζί” ευχόμαστε ολόψυχα να συναντάτε πάντα, τα όνειρα σας!

Με αγάπη
Άντζελα – Γιώργος

arChive – Your Visual Storytellers

A beautiful story that talks about love. Stay tuned…

Images from the heart for those few some that were meant to be!

Τελετή και Δεξίωση: Κτήμα 48

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