Φωτογραφία Νυφικού

Φωτογραφία Νυφικού για τον οίκο Mairi Mparola Συλλογη Ανοιξη/Καλοκαίρι 2015  απο την rChive Photography

A pretty beautiful start to the morning this morning. Beautiful people and the smell of inspiration spreading the mood. You can almost see the fairies dancing upon the mountains like a flame. A good time to get started. Tulles, laces, smiling faces, anticipation, cameras and one thousand reasons why…Climbing the ladder, step by step…we wish for Mairi Mparola, the special person and  the  talented designer success…and beyond!


Bridal Editorial Photography – Photo shooting for  Mairi Mparola Wedding Gowns Spring/Summer 2015 Collection by rChive Visual Storytellers

“Faeries , come take me of this dull world,
For I would ride for you upon the wind,
Ride on top of the dishevelled tide,
And dance upon the mountains like a flame”

Willian Butler Yeats  – The Land of Heart’s Desire

We thank Mairi Mparola and her amazing team for the trust and all the effort made to make this project happen. It  is always a privilege to work with people who appreciate beauty and passion.


Share our passion @ www.rchive.gr

Wedding Gowns @ Mairi Mparola

Φωτογραφία ΝυφικούΦωτογραφία ΝυφικούΦωτογραφία ΝυφικώνΦωτογραφία ΝυφικούΦωτογραφιση Νυφικών Μαιρη ΜπαρόλαΦωτογραφια ΓαμουΦωτογραφία ΝυφικούΦωτογράφιση ΝυφικώνBridal Editorial Photography

Bridal Editorial by rChive Photography

Bridal Editorial by arChive Photography

We sometimes ask ourselves why we put so much time and energy in our Art. For some photography is a career, and a camera is their tool. For us photography is pure passion. Planning shots months in advance, sacrificing hours of sleep and free time, travelling long distances and spending hours dreaming of capturing images. Pondering on this question on many occasions the only answer that keeps coming up is that photography helps us transfer our thoughts, visions and emotions into a piece of visual art. And this in itself is life. It is always a privilege to work with people who understand and appreciate what we do, as in this particular photo shooting. We thank everyone for being there to make this happen. Photo shooting on location for  Mairi Mparola Wedding Gowns Spring/Summer Collection – Of Bridal & Beyond  – Bridal Editorial by arChive Photography “Mountain Faeries”.

“When the winds of March are wakening the crocuses and crickets,

did you ever find a fairy near some budding little thickets…

and when she sees you creeping up to get a closer peek,

she tumbles through the daffodils, a playing hide and seek.”

M. Barrows

Share our passion @ www.rchive.gr

Wedding Gowns @ Mairi Mparola

Bridal editorial Marie Barola by rChive Wedding Photography Premium Photography Φωτογραφια Γαμου Wedding Photography Destination Wedding Phgotography premium Wedding Photography Editorial Wedding Photography Wedding Photographers

Editorial Wedding Photography Of Bridal & Beyond by rChive Photography

Of Bridal & Beyond by arChive Photography

Editorial Wedding Photography – Photo shooting on location for  Mairi Barola Wedding Gowns Spring/Summer 2015

In an opal dream cave, I found a fairy,
Her wings were frailer than flower petals
Frailer fr than snowflakes
She was not frightened but poised on my finger,
Then delicately walked into my hand.
I shut the two palms of my hand together
And held her prisoner.
I carried her out of the opal cave,
Then opened my hands.
First, she became thistledown,
Then a mote in a sunbeam,
Then-nothing at all.
Empty now is my opal dream cave.

Robert Burns

Share our passion @ www.rchive.gr

Editorial Wedding Photography Φωτογραφίες γάμου από την rChive Φωτογραφίες γάμου από την rChiveΦωτογραφίες γάμου από την rChive Φωτογραφίες γάμου από την rChive Φωτογραφίες γάμου από την rChive Editorial Wedding Photography