Destination Wedding Photographer Sifnos

Eliza & Andreas in Sifnos

Destination wedding photographer Sifnos

Wedding Photography Greece

Destination Wedding Photographer Sifnos

If you are planning a Sifnos wedding, guess why the city of Amsterdam can be your perfect meeting point…
Its more like Amsterdam rings a bell for everyone (and us), like there will always be something going on.

Visiting Amsterdam for an organized presentation for the Cats’s Symi Wedding back in January, gave us the opportunity to meet Eliza and Andreas. You know what its like, when one thing leads to the other and here we are one year later… In Sifnos.
The island that most prefers our destination wedding photography, as there has never been a year without at least three visits for respective events. A beautiful destination indeed and a favorite for our couples!

A surprise pre wedding beach party was thrown on Friday at the Lost Bay, where everything became possible.

Friends and families from all over the world, toasting to drinks and dancing wishes to the couple, to love and happiness for ever and ever! It was impossible to call it a day… well, until Saturday… Saturday – and what a beautiful day for vows of love…

We were there to photograph the magic of this sifnos wedding, forever. Precious pictures as keepsakes of capturing and reliving memories, to immortalize every blink of the eye, and forever freeze it in time.
These extraordinary moments that make memories so precious and unique. But we have told you much. Allow us to keep a secret or two. After all this is only a sneak peek of a story that will unfold in the narrow pathways of Kastro, in the sandy beach of Platis Yialos and in the dominating Cycladic white of Chrissopigi. Full story comming soon… Stay tuned!

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Guess what? We had a thing with Andreas. He wouldn’t let us photograph his favorite pop star without his official  approval.

We are moment hunters. Hunting for words that reveal who you are and the way you connect to each other. We turn these words to images that tell your story.

Someone needs to tell these stories. Like when the pirates find their treasures, and the princesses their prince. We need to tell these bits of overlapping narrative.

There’s magic in that. It is in us.

Destination Wedding Photographer Sifnos

And for each one of us it will be different, and it will touch you, us,  in ways we can never predict. From the mundane to the profound. Don’t forget, there are many kinds of magic. And you can take this story and shape it. Then it will take residence in your heart. And in ours.  You are the life of it. 

This is our role.

And this is our gift. 

Images from the heart

For those meant to be...

 Our studio is one of the top choices for your wedding photography and cinematography in Athens and Island Art & Taste.
See samples of our photography in Island Private House, Residence and Gallery.

Get in touch for your event at We are available Worldwide.

More from our portfolio

Need a quotation for your wedding photography?
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Wedding planning: Mae Mavroudi,
Flowers – Decoration: Fevronia
Groom preps: Verina
Bride preps: Kamaroti Suites
Hair & MUA: Spiros Samoilis
Pre Wedding Party: Lost Bay

Destination Wedding Photographer Sifnos: arChive Visual Storytellers

Wedding Photographer Island Private House // Eleni & Tom

Eleni & Tom

Wedding Photographer Island Private House

Wedding Photography in

Island Private House

Life is moving pictures and each time we blink our eyes the world shifts beneath our feet, And we shift along in an endless dance. To a music that elevates the spirit, to a place of transcending beauty. This determines the nature of our photographs.

Moments, memories and dreams

It was one of the rarest times when we were first approached by the parents of the bride. As we are very personal about our connection with the couple, we were slightly taken aback. But life is about proving you wrong, Liza and Dimitris were the most adorable people we have ever met. They organized Tom and Eleni’s wedding with the ultimate care, elegance, and a discretion rarely found on similar occasions.

Like a chip of the old block, these were characteristics that we immediately spotted on Eleni. We were instantly taken aback by her frankness, and the affectionate politeness directed through her eyes, to every word she carefully chose to utter.
The rare qualities in a blend of an untamed tomboy, a raving teenager, a rock drummer, a fine pianist, and the stunning elegant lady. What a perfect match.

Tom is a restless guy, eager to get all the latest answers. Also a natural model. Voted best groom model of the year and the most talented syrtaki group dancer we ever came across.Tom and Eleni alerted our interest to discover more about them. An interest that almost instantly became a comfortable intimacy and the need to connect. Our images are about connection, empathy and words that bring people together. They are also about the intention to care. Art is born from intention.

Their enthusiasm was contagious, and they had a way to compliment us for every effort made. There is no greater reward for us as wedding photographers, to have fulfilled their trust, and we simply cannot wait to have them here with us again for their presentation.

If we can work this story backwards we can very honestly declare that we are very very lucky to have met this family , all members included, and privileged to have been their Storytellers.

Thank you for your trusting us with your memories.

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We are moment hunters. Hunting for words that reveal who you are and the way you connect to each other. We turn these words to images that tell your story.

Someone needs to tell these stories. Like when the pirates find their treasures, and the princesses their prince. We need to tell these bits of overlapping narrative.

There’s magic in that. It is in us.

Island Private House

Wedding Photographer

And for each one of us it will be different, and it will touch you, us,  in ways we can never predict. From the mundane to the profound. Don’t forget, there are many kinds of magic. And you can take this story and shape it. Then it will take residence in your heart. And in ours.  You are the life of it. 

This is our role.

And this is our gift. 

Want to know who won? Stay tuned. :-)

Images from the heart

For those meant to be...

 Our studio is one of the top choices for your wedding photography and cinematography in Athens and Island Art & Taste.
See samples of our photography in Island Private House, Residence and Gallery.

Get in touch for your event at We are available Worldwide.

More from our portfolio

Need a quotation for your wedding photography?
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Wedding Venue: Island Art & Taste Private house
Wedding dress: Primalicia
Bridal shoes: Jimmy Choo
MUA and Hair Styling: Joanna Stella Papathanassiou
Groom Preps: Divani Apollon Palace & Thalasso
Catering: Aria Fine Catering

Wedding Photographer Island Private House: arChive Visual Storytellers

Φωτογράφιση γάμου Αθήνα // Ένας γάμος στο Μουσείο Οίνου

Γάμος στο Μουσείο Οίνου

Φωτογράφιση γάμου Αθήνα

” Ήμουν έτοιμη να πέσω στα κύματα, όταν πέρασε ξαφνικά ένα θαλασσοπούλι και μου ψιθύρισε:

“Έι ψιτ… εσένα μιλάω.
Μου παράγγειλε η ζωή να σου δώσω ένα φιλί.”

Μια ιστορία γεμάτη εικόνες

H μαγεία της φωτογραφίας βρίσκεται στον τρόπο που ο καθένας μας βλέπει και αντιλαμβάνεται τον κόσμο, έναν κόσμο που ουσιαστικά κρύβεται μέσα μας και σταδιακά ξεδιπλώνεται, αντανακλάται στον χώρο και στον χρόνο. Δεν είναι τίποτε άλλο από συναισθήματα. Στην πραγματικότητα φωτογραφίζεις τον ίδιο σου τον εαυτό, τον τρόπο που αντιλαμβάνεσαι τον κόσμο, την ομορφιά, την αγάπη.
Αυτό κάνει τη φωτογραφία γάμου μια τόσο μαγική τελετουργία. Μια πρόκληση και ένα καθήκον να αφηγηθείς, άλλη μια ιστορία μέσα από τα δικά του μάτια, για να αφυπνίσεις κρυμμένα, φωτεινά, αδρανή συναισθήματα.

Κάποιες φορές η φωτογραφία είναι μια πραγματικότητα τόσο λεπτή που γίνεται πιο πραγματική από την πραγματικότητα

Άλφρεντ Στίγκλιτζ

Μια πραγματικότητα, που με την πάροδο του χρόνου, και όσο απομακρύνεσαι από το γεγονός, αποκτάει μια άξια ανεκτίμητη.

Πάντα μας εντυπωσιάζει το πόσο κοντά βρίσκεσαι με τους ανθρώπους που φωτογραφίζεις, πόσο άμεση είναι η ομορφιά που μοιράζεσαι, πόσα συναισθήματα ξεδιπλώνονται μπροστά σου. Μια πρόκληση, κάθε φορά, να γυρίσεις πίσω με εικόνες που θα έχουν έντονο χαρακτήρα.

Μερικές φορές το σύμπαν συνωμοτεί, και έτσι ξαφνικά, σε μια ματιά, σε μια στιγμή, όλη η ζωή γίνεται χρώμα, γίνεται αγάπη, γίνεται φως. Και πια δεν μπορείς να φανταστείς, ούτε μια στιγμή  χωρίς τον άλλον.

Και εμείς είμαστε κοντά τους για να πούμε άλλη μια αληθινή ιστορία αγάπης. Για να φωτογραφίσουμε την κάθε στιγμή, με την αξία της στο παρόν, και τη σημασία της στο μέλλον, επιδιώκοντας να κάνουμε πάντα κάτι ξεχωριστό, όπως ξεχωριστό είναι πάντα το κάθε ζευγάρι μας.

Και να ξέρετε δεν μας τρόμαξαν οι καταιγίδες, ούτε οι απειλές του Παπά να φύγει επειδή η νύφη άργησε. Λίγο μόνο, η ιλιγγιώδης ταχύτητα του ετοιμοπόλεμου πατέρα της νύφης, που μας προσπέρασε στο δρόμο και μπροστά στα έκπληκτα ματιά όλων, έφθασε στο Μουσείο Οίνου πριν από εμάς :-)

Ο Στέλιος και η Λαμπρινή επέβαλαν το χαμόγελο τους στα ευτράπελα της ημέρας. Και μοιραστήκαν με φίλους και αγαπημένους, όλη αυτή την υπέροχη διάθεση, που κατέληξε σε ένα επικό πάρτι μέχρι τελικής πτώσης.
Μας παρέσυραν να το ζήσουμε όλο.

Featurette Wedding Video

Wedding Film


Αναζητατε φωτογράφο γαμου;
ΜΙληστε μαζι μασ

Images from the heart

For those meant to be...

Η επιλογή σας για τη φωτογραφία γάμου πρέπει να σας εξασφαλίζει συνέπεια, επαγγελματισμό και φροντίδα για να αποτυπωθεί ο γάμος σας άρτια.

Ταξιδεύουμε παντού, για γάμους σε ξεχωριστούς προορισμούς, με ζευγάρια που τους ενδιαφέρει να διαφυλάξουν τις αναμνήσεις του γάμου τους σε εικόνες με χαρακτήρα και αισθητική. Εικόνες που αφηγούνται την ξεχωριστή ημέρα του γάμου τους, αλλά και τόσο πολλά περισσότερα!

Δείτε φωτογραφίες μας στο και επικοινωνείστε μαζί μας για το γάμο σας στο

More from our portfolio

χρειαζεστε φωτογραφια γαμου;
Μιληστε μαζι μασ


Χώρος εκδήλωσης: Μουσείο Οίνου

Νυφικό: Madame Shoushou
Παπούτσια: Aquazzura

Ήχος & Φωτισμός: Sounds Good
Wedding Planner: Μαρία Χατζοπούλου

Φωτογράφιση γάμου Αθήνα: arChive Visual Storytellers

Φωτογραφία Νυφικού

Φωτογραφία Νυφικού για τον οίκο Mairi Mparola Συλλογη Ανοιξη/Καλοκαίρι 2015  απο την rChive Photography

A pretty beautiful start to the morning this morning. Beautiful people and the smell of inspiration spreading the mood. You can almost see the fairies dancing upon the mountains like a flame. A good time to get started. Tulles, laces, smiling faces, anticipation, cameras and one thousand reasons why…Climbing the ladder, step by step…we wish for Mairi Mparola, the special person and  the  talented designer success…and beyond!


Bridal Editorial Photography – Photo shooting for  Mairi Mparola Wedding Gowns Spring/Summer 2015 Collection by rChive Visual Storytellers

“Faeries , come take me of this dull world,
For I would ride for you upon the wind,
Ride on top of the dishevelled tide,
And dance upon the mountains like a flame”

Willian Butler Yeats  – The Land of Heart’s Desire

We thank Mairi Mparola and her amazing team for the trust and all the effort made to make this project happen. It  is always a privilege to work with people who appreciate beauty and passion.


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Wedding Gowns @ Mairi Mparola

Φωτογραφία ΝυφικούΦωτογραφία ΝυφικούΦωτογραφία ΝυφικώνΦωτογραφία ΝυφικούΦωτογραφιση Νυφικών Μαιρη ΜπαρόλαΦωτογραφια ΓαμουΦωτογραφία ΝυφικούΦωτογράφιση ΝυφικώνBridal Editorial Photography

Editorial Photo shooting – Bridal Musings

Editorial Photo shooting – Bridal Musings – Photo shooting on location for Mairi Mparola Wedding Gowns Spring/Summer 2015 Bridal Collection


A beautiful way to start a spring morning. Beauty and high fashion inspiration. It’s time to get creative and this location is our chosen canvas. Meters of tulle and lace elegantly blending into natures mood, the  fresh colours of early spring.” Spring has returned and he Earth is like a child that know poems.”


“A portion of your soul has been

entwined with mine

separately we stand.

As two trees deeply rooted in

separate plots of ground,

within their topmost branches,

coming together,

forming a miracle of lace,

against the heavens.”

The Power of a Woman

Janet Mills


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Editorial Photo shooting Editorial Photo shooting Φωτογραφίες γάμου από την rChive Φωτογραφίες γάμου από την rChive Φωτογραφίες γάμου από την rChive

Editorial Wedding Photography Of Bridal & Beyond by rChive Photography

Of Bridal & Beyond by arChive Photography

Editorial Wedding Photography – Photo shooting on location for  Mairi Barola Wedding Gowns Spring/Summer 2015

In an opal dream cave, I found a fairy,
Her wings were frailer than flower petals
Frailer fr than snowflakes
She was not frightened but poised on my finger,
Then delicately walked into my hand.
I shut the two palms of my hand together
And held her prisoner.
I carried her out of the opal cave,
Then opened my hands.
First, she became thistledown,
Then a mote in a sunbeam,
Then-nothing at all.
Empty now is my opal dream cave.

Robert Burns

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Editorial Wedding Photography Φωτογραφίες γάμου από την rChive Φωτογραφίες γάμου από την rChiveΦωτογραφίες γάμου από την rChive Φωτογραφίες γάμου από την rChive Φωτογραφίες γάμου από την rChive Editorial Wedding Photography

Wedding in Greece – Sifnos by rChive Photography

Wedding in Greece | Sifnos.

“The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship.”

This wedding in Greece is a beautiful wedding to be remembered. After the wedding ceremony in Chrissopigi, Sifnos, there was no way to let this amazing, joyful company escape our cameras. We headed for a small after wedding session near the famous Sifnos church where everyone had a special part to perform, no instructions included.

Everything was captured with us acting as witnesses letting everything evolve naturally.  Maria, Pierre Louis, their best man and bride’s maids decided to seal their vows and promises with a unique dancing ritual. Lucky us!

 Guys, there’s a “Higher Love” surrounding you. Being your visual storytellers has been a wonderful experience.
 Bride’s Preparation:  Platis Gialos Hotel., Groom’s preparation: Platis Gialos Hotel.
The ceremony took place in Chrissopigi church and the reception was hosted by Giorgos Zambelis in Fassolou beach.
Wedding planning and coordination by My Best Wishes Events – Vasso Vantali.
We are arChive Visual Storytellers and we are here to change the way you perceive destination wedding photography.
See more of our wedding imagery by clicking here.

wedding in greece sifnos next day

We are arChive Visual Storytellers and we are here to change the way you perceive destination wedding photography.
See more of our wedding imagery by clicking here.

Destination Wedding Photography – Sifnos, Greece by rChive Visual Stroytellers

Destination Wedding Photography | Sifnos, Greece.

Two Trees
A portion of your soul has been
entwined with mine
A gentle kind of togetherness, while
separately we stand.
As two trees deeply rooted in
separate plots of ground,
While their topmost branches
come together,
Forming a miracle of lace
against the heavens.”

Janet Mills

Amazing people, friends and families from Canada, Greece and England. It was the spirit, it was that magic skateboard that brought out that broad rascal smile that Pierre Louis shared with us each time we hinted on it. Maria, whose beautiful genuine and honest smile constantly overwhelmed us. The most challenging thing about photographing weddings is that all that is beautiful is true and all that is true is beautiful. It is a profound honour for us as photographers to witness two people joining their lives with such love and we were honoured to be their storytellers.

 Guys, there’s a “Higher Love” surrounding you. Being your visual storytellers has been a wonderful experience.
 Bride’s Preparation:  Platis Gialos Hotel., Groom’s preparation: Platis Gialos Hotel.
The ceremony took place in Chrissopigi church and the reception was hosted by Giorgos Zambelis in Fassolou beach.
We are arChive Visual Storytellers and we are here to change the way you perceive destination wedding photography.
See more of our wedding imagery by clicking here.

destination wedding photography sifnos chrissopigi wedding sifnos get married in sifnos γάμος-χρυσοπηγή destination wedding photography stylish wedding greece φωτογράφος-γάμου-χρυσοπηγή

We are rChive Visual Storytellers and we are here to change the way you perceive destination wedding photography.
See more of our wedding imagery by clicking here.

Mediterranean Wedding Photography – Sifnos, Greece

Mediterranean Wedding Photography – Sifnos, Greece

Unique stories in bold. Images that build relationships and make people care. We live to have stories to tell and to learn to tell them well.

Our photography is about you! About your friends and families. It’s about the spirit and the magic that surrounds you.

The most intriguing thing about photographing weddings is that all that is beautiful is true and all that is true is beautiful.

Challenge us!

“Words cannot describe how grateful my husband and I are to have found Angela and Giorgos. Recommended by our amazing wedding planner Vasso Vandali of My Best Wishes Events, we embarked upon a unique journey with the arChive team, starting with the warmth of our first meeting all the way to the smiles and cries of happiness when we saw the final result during a fun-filled presentation at their awesome studio in Athens. The quality of their photos – if you can call them that, to us, they are more like snapshots of heaven – is simply incomparable to anything we have ever seen. Choose arChive photography if you want the most amazing, innovative, unique, fun, honest and absolutely beautiful photos. Choose arChive if you want photographers who are really going to get under your skin and create a completely tailor-made experience that you’re surely going to remember forever (we’re sure we will!). Thank you thank you again Angela and Giorgos for everything!!! Maria & PL, Sifnos”

 Bride’s Preparation:  Platis Gialos Hotel., Groom’s preparation: Platis Gialos Hotel.
The ceremony took place in Chrissopigi church and the reception was hosted by Giorgos Zambelis in Fassolou beach.
We are arChive Visual Storytellers and we are here to change the way you perceive wedding photography.
See more of our wedding imagery by clicking here.

Mediterranean Wedding PhotographyDestination Wedding Photographychic Mediterranean WeddingMediterranean Wedding Photographyγάμος-χρυσοπηγή-σίφνοςluxury Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography Greece – Sifnos by rChive Visual Stroytellers

Wedding Photography Greece. This time it is Sifnos

Sifnos and another beautiful wedding to remember.

Maria and Pierre Louis starring in Higher Love!

Amazing people, friends and families from Canada, Greece and England. It was the spirit, it was that magic skateboard that brought out that broad rascal smile that Pierre Louis shared with us each time we hinted on it. Maria, whose beautiful genuine and honest smile constantly overwhelmed us. The most challenging thing about photographing weddings is that all that is beautiful is true and all that is true is beautiful. It is a profound honour for us as photographers to witness two people joining their lives with such love and we were honoured to be their storytellers.

What a better way to end this journey than the words of Maria and Pierre Louis:

“Words cannot describe how grateful my husband and I are to have found Angela and Giorgos. Recommended by our amazing wedding planner Vasso Vandali of My Best Wishes Events, we embarked upon a unique journey with the arChive team, starting with the warmth of our first meeting all the way to the smiles and cries of happiness when we saw the final result during a fun-filled presentation at their awesome studio in Athens. The quality of their photos – if you can call them that, to us, they are more like snapshots of heaven – is simply incomparable to anything we have ever seen. Choose arChive photography if you want the most amazing, innovative, unique, fun, honest and absolutely beautiful photos. Choose arChive if you want photographers who are really going to get under your skin and create a completely tailor-made experience that you’re surely going to remember forever (we’re sure we will!). Thank you again, Angela and Giorgos for everything!!! Maria & PL, Sifnos”

 Guys, there’s a “Higher Love” surrounding you. Being your visual storytellers has been a wonderful experience.
 Bride’s Preparation:  Platis Gialos Hotel., Groom’s preparation: Platis Gialos Hotel.
The ceremony took place in Chrissopigi church and the reception was hosted by Giorgos Zambelis in Fassolou beach.
We are arChive Visual Storytellers and we are here to change the way you perceive wedding photography.
See more of our wedding imagery by clicking here.

φωτογραφία γάμου φωτογράφος γάμου φωτογραφία-γάμου wedding photography greece wedding photography greece καλλιτεχνική-φωτογραφία-γάμου-σίφνος wedding photography greece